Saturday, March 20, 2010

Testing multiple implementations

Challenge: Run automated tests of multiple implementations of an interface, for example one repository for Sql Server and another for MySql.

A solution: Have one test class for one of the implementations, and create a derived test class for the other implementation, which injects the proper implementation in the constructor of the first test class.

Example with NUnit:

public class CustomerRepositoryTests
   private ICustomerRepository _repository;

   public CustomerRepositoryTests() :
      this(new CustomerRepository())

   public CustomerRepositoryTests(ICustomerRepository repository)
      _repository = repository;

   public void Add_ValidCustomer_Ok()
      // Arrange:
      var customer = new Customer();

      // Act:


public class MySqlCustomerRepositoryTests :
   public MySqlCustomerRepositoryTests() :
      base(new MySqlCustomerRepository())

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Manual definition of dependent tables with LinqToSql

The following is a code example of how to declare dependent tables in C# and generate and populate them with LinqToSql [it will generate the tables Parent(Id, Name, ChildId) and Child(Id, Name)]:

using System;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Data.Linq.Mapping;

namespace ManualLinqToSql
   class Program
      static void Main(string[] args)
         const string connectionString =
            @"Server=.\SqlExpress;Database=LinqTest;Integrated Security=true;";
         TestRepository repository =
            new TestRepository(connectionString);
            repository.Add("A", "A1");
            repository.Add("B", "B1");
         catch (Exception ex)

   public class TestRepository
      private readonly TestDataContext _dataContext;

      public TestRepository(string connectionString)
         _dataContext = new TestDataContext(connectionString);

      public void Add(string parentName, string childName)
         var parent = new Parent(parentName, childName);

      public void CreateDatabase()

   public class TestDataContext : DataContext
      public TestDataContext(string connectionString)
         : base(connectionString)

      public Table<Parent> ParentTable
         get { return GetTable<Parent>(); }

      public Table<Child> ChildTable
         get { return GetTable<Child>(); }

   public class Parent
      private EntityRef<Child> _child;

      public Parent()

      public Parent(string name, string childName)
         Name = name;
         Singleton = new Child { Name = childName };

      [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true)]
      public int Id { get; set; }

      [Column(CanBeNull = false)]
      public string Name { get; set; }

      [Association(Storage = "_child", ThisKey = "ChildId", IsForeignKey = true)]
      public Child Singleton
            return _child.Entity;
            _child.Entity = value;
            ChildId = value.Id;

      [Column(UpdateCheck = UpdateCheck.Never)]
      private int ChildId { get; set; }

   public class Child
      [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true)]
      public int Id { get; set; }

      [Column(CanBeNull = false)]
      public string Name { get; set; }

   public void Detach()
      _child = default(EntityRef<Child>);

Sunday, March 7, 2010

MSBuild: Passing arrays between targets

In MSBuild, if you have a target that operates on a list of items of a specific type, and you want to call that operation several times with different lists, here is a way to do that using the DependsOnTargets attribute:

<Target Name="UserInterface">
  <MSBuild Projects="$(MSBuildProjectFile)" Targets="Service"
    Properties="ServiceDependsOn=PersonRepository-1" />
  <MSBuild Projects="$(MSBuildProjectFile)" Targets="Service"
    Properties="ServiceDependsOn=PersonRepository-2" />

<Target Name="Service" DependsOnTargets="$(ServiceDependsOn)">
  <Message Text="Persons: @(Persons->'%(Name) (%(Identity))')" />

<Target Name="PersonRepository-1">
    <Persons Include="Al"><Name>Al Omaha</Name></Persons>
    <Persons Include="Ben"><Name>Ben Patterson</Name></Persons>

<Target Name="PersonRepository-2">
    <Persons Include="Adrian"><Name>Adrian Quist</Name></Persons>
    <Persons Include="Britta"><Name>Britta Ruud</Name></Persons>

and here is sample output:

Project "C:\Projects\MSBuildItems.xml" on node 0 (default targets).
Project "C:\Projects\MSBuildItems.xml" (1) is building "C:\Projects\MSBuildItems.xml" (1:2) on node 0 (Service target(s)).
 Persons: Al Omaha (Al);Ben Patterson (Ben)
Done Building Project "C:\Projects\MSBuildItems.xml"
(Service target(s)).

Project "C:\Projects\MSBuildItems.xml" (1) is building "C:\Projects\MSBuildItems.xml" (1:3) on node 0 (Service target(s)).
 Persons: Adrian Quist (Adrian);Britta Ruud (Britta)
Done Building Project "C:\Projects\MSBuildItems.xml"
(Service target(s)).

Done Building Project "C:\Projects\MSBuildItems.xml" (default targets).

MSBuild with dependency injection

I am about to start refactoring a MSBuild file with around 1000 lines of xml, and I find that the targets are heavily dependent on each other.

Maybe dependency injection can help here?!

In MSBuild this could look something like this:

<Import Project="ApplicationService.xml" />
<Import Project="Repository.xml" />
(or <Import Project="FakeRepository.xml" />)
<Target Name="UserInterface-Action">
  <CallTarget Targets="ApplicationService-Action" />

<Target Name="ApplicationService-Action">
  <CallTarget Targets="IRepository-Action" />

<Target Name="IRepository-Action">
  <Message Text="Repository action" />

<Target Name="IRepository-Action">
  <Message Text="Fake repository action" />

For comparison, here is the corresponding structure in C#:
public class UserInterface
  private readonly IRepository repository;

  public UserInterface(IRepository repository)
    this.repository = repository;

  public void Action()
    var service = new ApplicationService(this.repository);

public class ApplicationService
  private readonly IRepository repository;

  public ApplicationService(IRepository repository)
    this.repository = repository;
  public void Action()

public interface IRepository
  void Action();

public class Repository : IRepository
  public void Action()
    System.Console.WriteLine("Repository action");

public class FakeRepository : IRepository
  public void Action()
    System.Console.WriteLine("Fake repository action");