- Multi tasking
- Multi tasking is when one entity performs two or more tasks at the same time.
- Task switching, where an entity frequently changes back and forth between two or more tasks, but actually does not perform the tasks at the exact same time.
Advantages of multi tasking:
- When done right: Getting more tasks done in the same amount of time.
Risks of multi tasking:
- Not doing the things properly.
- When done wrong: Getting fewer tasks done in the same amount of time, due to a drastically lower focus or concentration.
- If not really multi tasking, but task switching instead, then the focus or concentration can also be very low.
Scenarios where I believe that I have benefited from multi tasking:
- While walking: Listening to podcasts
- While driving car: Doing peptalk to myself. Doing breathing exercises. Doing voice exercises. Eating an apple
- While eating (alone): Checking emails
- While writing or coding (alone at home): Listening to music (occasionally, for a limited period of time)
- While watching video or movie: Practicing guitar
Scenarios where I do not enjoy or benefit from multi tasking:
- When doing fitness
- When running
- When coding in my company's office
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