Friday, January 17, 2020

The Drive of a Lazy Developer

When I think of the term "Lazy Developer", I think of cliches such as:
  • If it ain't broke, don't fix it
  • You ain't gonna need it (YAGNI)
  • Code monkeys
And the last one, "Code monkeys", contains an important point for me, but in reverse:

A Lazy Developer is not a code monkey.

A Lazy Developer is not happy to just code.

A Lazy Developer wants to achieve something, and write as little code as possible in the process.

To a Lazy Developer, a backlog of tasks is a horrible sight. Tasks here meaning "things to do".

A backlog of ideas, however, makes more sense. Ideas here meaning "ideas of how to achieve some goal".

A Lazy Developer is driven towards achieving a goal, not towards implementing some feature.

Do business owners and product owners want to hand over a backlog of tasks, things to do, to developers?

Maybe, but they risk shooting themselves in the foot.

Especially if the developers, just do it, and don't understand the value from doing it.

If developers don't understand the value, don't understand the goal, don't share the goal, then they might not be able to make the right solution, that actually gives the desired value. Or they might not take responsibility for making the right solution, because they don't feel ownership for the goal.

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